A Vegan’s Journey: Nurturing Community and

Hey everyone, David here! I'm beyond excited to share an article written by my amazing partner, Shelly Bornemann. She opens up about her dedication to volunteering and the incredible impact of the Syracuse Vegan Living Program. Take a moment to dive into Shelly's story and discover the positive change she's creating in our community.

Shelly's Unwavering Commitment:

Shelly's dedication to making our community better leaves me in awe every day. From her heartfelt contributions to the Syracuse Vegan Living Program to her broader commitment to the welfare of animals, the environment, and our fellow humans—Shelly is the driving force behind positive change.

In Shelly's Words: Bringing VLP to Syracuse

Now, let's hear directly from Shelly, the Co-organizer of the Syracuse Vegan Living Program and a proud member of the Board of Directors. She shares her journey of bringing this impactful program to Syracuse, believing in the strength of numbers when people join forces for a better community.

The Heart of VLP: A Free Mentorship Program

"I've always believed there's strength in numbers when people join forces to help make their community a better one. I've had the honor of volunteering at several local organizations since I moved to Syracuse. When I had the opportunity to bring the Vegan Living Program to Syracuse, I jumped at the chance."

The Vegan Living Program offers a FREE five-week mentorship program covering diverse topics each week, from health and fitness to the environment, and the welfare of animals and humans alike. Shelly and her fabulous co-organizers, Emily Doucet and Jim Thompson, along with amazing vegan mentors, provide support 24/7 to the vegan mentees.

"We're now in our 4th year in 2024 and are happy to say many of our vegan pledges have made the decision to remain vegan. Some have mentioned the program has opened their eyes to other social justice causes in the community."

Shelly's Call to Action: Seek Like-Minded Individuals

"If there’s a cause you're passionate about, seek out like-minded individuals and groups. I promise they’re out there."


Shelly's journey is a testament to the power of community, compassion, and the positive change that can happen when individuals come together. Join me in celebrating Shelly Bornemann, the heart of our community, as she continues to impact lives and spread love through the Syracuse Vegan Living Program.

With all my love,


For more information on the Syracuse Vegan Living Program, visit the Vegan Living Program.


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