Ana Gordalina Ana Gordalina

The Vital Role of Sleep in Mind and Body Health

Caught in a cycle of coffee cups, I pondered the rise of stimulant reliance. The revelation struck like a herd of sheep 🐑 – Otis, our overeager cat, transformed 3 am into chaos. Nights once peaceful turned into feline-induced mayhem, leading to heightened anxiety and restlessness. Now, with the bedroom door closed, Otis, armed with furry determination, holds the playbook.

Otis's comical escapades unintentionally orchestrate my nocturnal struggles, inspiring this relatable blog, "The Vital Role of Sleep in Mind and Body Health." Join me as I navigate this journey prompted by a determined feline, exploring ways to enhance sleep. May this resonate and offer insights for anyone facing similar challenges.

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Ana Gordalina Ana Gordalina

Nurturing Your Well-being in the New Year: A Mindful Approach to Goal Setting

As we step into a new year, it's natural to feel the urge to set ambitious goals and resolutions. As an occupational therapist deeply rooted in physical therapy, osteopathy, wellness, and mindfulness, I'd like to offer a gentle reminder about the importance of approaching the new year with a realistic and compassionate mindset.

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Guest User Guest User

Why to Limit Doomscrolling!

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